Stories 2022-09-11 Two Rivers Game-play Cities Skylines - PMC Tactical

Stories 2022-09-11 Two Rivers Game-play

2022-09-11T12:50:00Z Started savegame on Two Rivers, all but ship outside connections and natural resources, suitable area for building 78%, base theme: temperate.

Goal is to reach population 100k today as quick as possible while still enjoying the game.

Addons used: 81 tiles, camera position utility, cinematic camera extended v0.5.1, csl show more limits, enhanced outside connections view, extended game options, extra landscaping tools, first person camera, harmony v2.2, hide it, lifecycle rebalance revisited v1.6.4, optimize outside connections, precision engineering, random tree rotation, realistic population 2 v2.0.5, rebalanced industries, roundabout builder, TM:PE stable v11.6.6.3, transfermanager ce v1.8.10, transporttool v2.3.1, ultimate level of detail, unlimited oil and ore, unlimited soil. List updated: 2022-08-27T21:39:00Z

Stories terrain savegame marathon game-play has reached last terrain on the list! Smiley :D

Its been amazing journey to here, been playing over one month every day 17hrs a day basically, obviously some days less and other days more. But it has been hardcore marathon for sure.

I am SO excited and already slightly relieved that now begins the last terrain so we are not days but hours away from finishing this marathon.

Standard maybe even cliche Cities Skylines looking terrain, quite flat on the center so plenty of building space, but of course stupid rivers and bodies of water added to the mix to "make it pretty and interesting!!1", usual mountains on the sides for horizon views, oh well it is what it is. Still its a fine terrain, will be enjoyable to build up to 100k population.

First used 81 tiles addon to open up all terrain grid tiles for use. TM:PE enabled disable de-spawning, advanced vehicle AI enabled, 50% dynamic lane selection, parking AI enabled more realistic parking. Transfer manager ce, goods delivery options warehouse first, reserve trucks for local transfers 20%, improved inter-warehouse transfers, import/export disabled allow import goods, services prefer local district services, death care/garbage improved all three, general disable dummy traffic, vehicle AI enable garbage and police.

Turned roads, electric and water budget to 50%, we need to save money.

First save game for Two_Rivers_1 file name.

This is my starting setup for the last terrain in this stories game-play marathon Smiley :)

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

2022-09-11T13:01:00Z Unpaused the game, lets start this thing.

2022-09-11T13:08:00Z Little Hamlet population 420.

Turned on taxes to 12% for industrial, low density residential and commercial. Purchased elementary school and landfill site.

2022-09-11T13:12:00Z Feels surreal to play the last terrain savegame... Tomorrow when I wake up, all this will be over, uuh Smiley :o

2022-09-11T13:15:00Z Worthy Village population 850.

Again didn't create districts because I don't need them. Placed fire station, police station and health clinic.

Saved game for Two_Rivers_2 file name.

Hmm wonder what I'll do tomorrow when waking up, doing computer chores and then ... nothing... hehe

Well not really, I have life time worth of ArmA 3 and Farming Simulator 19 editing waiting, plus all the other computer chores like web sites etc I've neglected during this marathon Smiley :)

But yes for sure, tomorrow waking up will be interesting, "what do I do now???" heh. Its going to be emotional already tonight, this savegame judging by the terrain flatness, lack of obscuring objects / water, and my skills, its going to be mere hours short hop to 100k population.

After marathon ends it will be emotional rollercoaster feeling already "uuh aah what do I do now!?" and dunno, maybe I'll go outside and take a walk to clear my head from all the massive hammering of Cities Skylines info, playing techniques and routines etc.

One thing is odd though, I don't look forward to edit ArmA 3 / FS19 at all, basically have no desire to edit them, right now I'm thinking of which tv show marathon to watch next, or

2022-09-11T13:22:00Z Tiny Town population 1.3k.

Heh milestone hit while I was typing, how dare Cities Skylines interrupt me! Smiley :D

So I was writing that maybe I'll play Elite Dangerous as my 2022 game-play for it has been planned for a long time and this year is getting pretty late now in september... anyways, back to Cities Skylines Smiley :p

Replaced placeholder dirt road arterial and collectors with proper six and four lane asphalt roads. Replaced industrial areas roads with industry road type (small for local and medium for collector). Started to use two lane asphalt roads for residential areas from now on.

Saved game for Two_Rivers_3 file name.

2022-09-11T13:27:00Z Going to actually PAUSE game while I'll go to kitchen to grab something to eat, its now on the less than 100% budget delicate balance going on so I don't want to leave game running with fear of having some damage done, will unpause when I'm eating and keeping eye on things...

2022-09-11T13:43:00Z Feeding time is over, back to the last terrain savegame Smiley ;)

2022-09-11T13:48:00Z Boom Town population 2.4k.

Cemetery and bus depot became available in this milestone, cemetery is essential for life heh. Ore industry specialization available.

2022-09-11T13:57:00Z Finished creating bus lines for residential to industrial and residential collector, then banned all private cars from industrial area using TM:PE and finally did pedestrial walking paths between residential and industrial, uuh...

2022-09-11T14:01:00Z Restored budget to 100% which is the normal, happy to have that shuffle over too Smiley :)

2022-09-11T14:22:00Z Busy Town population 4.6k.

Fire helicopter depot became available in this milestone, this is must have to any large city, when you have traffic jams and fires, helicopters are a life savers. Two lane road with trees, this is my go-to local road, starting using it now and when time comes, will upgrade existing dirt roads with this one. Oil industry specialization available.

Saved game for Two_Rivers_4 file name which is the last of the four rotating file names.

Hmm slow progress (to my liking).

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

Decided to add more commercial, try to chase the RCI info bar a bit, maybe it would entice game to progress faster.

2022-09-11T14:49:00Z Added whole lotta commercial, but not much changed, residential is getting built nicely so guess it shows there.

2022-09-11T14:55:00Z Big Town population 7k.

High density zones, metro, incineration plant, intercity bus, university and large warehouse are now available.

2022-09-11T15:05:00Z Small City population 9.5k.

This milestone gives us cargo train terminal, train station (passengers!) and two good policies. Activated small business enthusiast and big business benefactor policies.

Created passenger train station, all aboard! Smiley :)

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

But did not have further money for cargo train terminal heh, we'll wait...

2022-09-11T15:31:00Z Finally cargo train terminal is open with slight extension to our industrial area. Good to have more generic industry so we can get some uneducated jobs.

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

2022-09-11T15:32:00Z Big City population 16k.

Crematorium, large water tower and advanced inland water treatment plant are now available.

2022-09-11T15:41:00Z Grand City population 20k.

2022-09-11T15:55:00Z Capital City population 32k.

Passenger and cargo harbor is now available, passenger is a must have for incoming citizens.

I'm getting excited about finishing this savegame and therefore the whole marathon, getting that kind of creepy crawling out of your skin feeling heh. Soon, soon... Smiley ;)

2022-09-11T16:08:00Z Colossal City population 44k.

This milestone gives nuclear power plant and cargo hub (ship + train terminal).

2022-09-11T16:25:00Z Okay so this is another buggy terrain it appears, outside connections for train is bugged on one of the exits. See all these clogged up trains there...

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

No idea whats going on, I saw this in one other terrain before, suddenly my industry buildings started to complain about lack of raw materials even though traffic flow as NINETY THREE (93) percent and roads clear.

So was not a surprised to me to find this kind of train backlog in the terrain edge.

Its kind of hard to see in this screenshot, but trains are stacked and people are standing there by the side of the train. Guess they havent fully been "initialized" for the train trip yet.

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

This sucks, I don't have time to sort out shit like this I got a savegame to finish Smiley :(

2022-09-11T16:42:00Z Metropolis population 65k.

Another reference screenshot for balanced generic industry and low density commercial zoning, currently outside connection exports are 87. Hopefully I would remember to count full 4 x 4 unit blocks in that zoning to get a good base line besides visual hand wavey thing Smiley ;)

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

I built this nice little expansion for our high density residential zoning. Looking at population now 77k, wonder if that is enough to push us over our goal Smiley ;)

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

2022-09-11T17:08:00Z Megalopolis population 80k.

That's it, last milestone achieved. Now there is not much longer to go for ultimate finale! I am scared! Smiley :o

2022-09-11T17:21:00Z Prograss has been feeling a bit slow lately, but its actually not... it just looks that way. I zone massive amounts just silly amounts of office, in previous screenshots all those abandoned buildings are from the "not enough educated workers" issue because education system has not graduated enough students for the office jobs which I have THOUSANDS now.

Enough high density residential has been zoned so when those people move in and previous citizens graduate from university they can go work in offices, slowly, extremely slowly the workers vs jobs balance is evening out.

Currently commercial RCI info bar is 100% so yeah I should add some, but I just don't want to mess with the amazingly good working balance I have now going on in industrial commercial area.

Yes I'm anxious to finish this savegame, but still enjoying myself and happy to calmly wait here while things balance themselves out.

Obviously if this lasts another half an hour or so, then I might just spam some commercial to kick off fast progress again.

2022-09-11T17:38:00Z Now high density residential zoning is building up, good, progress. Also need to add educational buildings every once in a while, that is always a good sign about new citizens Smiley :)

2022-09-11T17:54:00Z Hooyah! It is all over! We are done! YEEHAAW! Just finished our goal, 100,000 population! Yeah buddy! Smiley :mrgreen:

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

Uuuah what a relief and accomplishment, need to check these web stories about actual dates but I know its been over ONE MONTH 17hrs a day Cities Skylines gaming, whoah! Smiley :)

The realization has not hit me yet, I don't feel that emotional rollercoaster now, actually this feels like any other savegame finish hehe! I'm having a good time while playing Smiley :)

I'm sure a bit later when I sort out this story text and screenshot into actual web page files and then chill a bit... it starts to sink in that whoah dude, you just finished massive Cities Skylines terrain savegame marathon, with story telling Smiley :)

But yes sure I am extremely happy now, no more "starting the next terrain..." anymore hehe.

And for the last time in this original marathon format:

2022-09-11T17:59:00Z Saved game and shutdown Cities Skylines, we are SO done! Smiley :mrgreen: