Stories 2022-09-07 Foggy Hills Game-play Cities Skylines - PMC Tactical

Stories 2022-09-07 Foggy Hills Game-play

2022-09-07T04:04:00Z Started savegame on Foggy Hills, all outside connections and natural resources, suitable area for building 74%, base theme: european.

Goal is to reach population 100k today as quick as possible while still enjoying the game.

Addons used: 81 tiles, camera position utility, cinematic camera extended v0.5.1, csl show more limits, enhanced outside connections view, extended game options, extra landscaping tools, first person camera, harmony v2.2, hide it, lifecycle rebalance revisited v1.6.4, optimize outside connections, precision engineering, random tree rotation, realistic population 2 v2.0.5, rebalanced industries, roundabout builder, TM:PE stable v11.6.6.3, transfermanager ce v1.8.10, transporttool v2.3.1, ultimate level of detail, unlimited oil and ore, unlimited soil. List updated: 2022-08-27T21:39:00Z

European theme is not my favorite because stupid looking odd building sizes, but hey at least its not a WINTER terrain haha. Also the name "hills" scares me, mountains and hills are the worst thing you can find in Cities Skylines heightmaps, you need flat land in this game not hilltops.

I was right, heightmap is that kind of generic ArmA 3 looking L3DT created one, odd hilltops here and there, pretty smooth overall though nothing that would prevent you from building a big city.

First used 81 tiles addon to open up all terrain grid tiles for use. TM:PE enabled disable de-spawning, advanced vehicle AI enabled, 50% dynamic lane selection, parking AI enabled more realistic parking. Transfer manager ce, goods delivery options warehouse first, reserve trucks for local transfers 20%, improved inter-warehouse transfers, import/export disabled allow import goods, services prefer local district services, death care/garbage improved all three, general disable dummy traffic, vehicle AI enable garbage and police.

Turned roads, electric and water budget to 50%, we need to save money.

Starting setup for this terrain. This one actually has a nice cloverleaf intersection so we can easily expand to other side of the highway too.

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First save game for Foggy_Hills_1 file name.

2022-09-07T04:15:00Z Unpaused the game, lets start this thing.

2022-09-07T04:19:00Z First building phase is over, now I have decent road and water grid done, zoned to low density residential, now I'm just waiting for it to fill or first milestone hit...

Hmm I'm starving, need to get days first meal real soon, right after first milestone for sure.

2022-09-07T04:23:00Z Little Hamlet population 440.

Turned on taxes to 12% for industrial, low density residential and commercial. Purchased elementary school and landfill site. Did not unpause game from this point, I need to be hands on this one, but now I'm so thirsty and hungry that gotta go grab that days first meal ...

2022-09-07T04:44:00Z Worthy Village population 900.

2022-09-07T04:50:00Z Feeding time is over, I let game run when there was nothing going on while I was eating, but first sign of trouble and I hit pause.

Did not create fistricts. Placed fire station, police station and health clinic.

Saved game for Foggy_Hills_2 file name.

Decided to do farming and forestry specialized industry, zoned industry. I am not looking for indepth industry DLC stuff, but maybe, just maybe, the own raw material production would reduce traffic a bit. There is always the danger of just increasing traffic if its done wrong like most cases too much. So need to be careful.

2022-09-07T05:04:00Z Tiny Town population 1.4k.

Replaced placeholder dirt road arterial and collectors with proper six and four lane asphalt roads. Replaced industrial areas roads with industry road type (small for local and medium for collector). Started to use two lane asphalt roads for residential areas from now on.

Saved game for Foggy_Hills_3 file name.

Well I didn't get to paint strong enough farmland with extra landscaping tools because nearby trees, so now I have way too many processor buildings and there is a lot of agriculture products (extractor raw materials) imported, anyways.

Way too much private car traffic in our industrial commercial area now, we don't have bus service yet so I don't dare to ban private car traffic using TM:PE, but once we get bus lines running, private cars will be banned for sure.

2022-09-07T05:19:00Z Boom Town population 2.4k.

Cemetery and bus depot became available in this milestone, cemetery is essential for life heh. Ore industry specialization available. Created one bus line from residential to industrial commercial zone area with 20 buses, then three residential collector lines with 10 buses each which will bring people within the residential area into the bus line that takes them to industrial commercial. Hopefully it works OK, distances might be too short for those collector bus lines, but we'll see.

Oh and then using TM:PE I banned all private cars in the industrial commercial area Smiley :)

2022-09-07T05:27:00Z Restored budget to 100% which is the normal. Finally no more tweaking every time you see an warning icon on the horizon.

Ahh traffic flows beautifully in industrial commercial area with proper bus line on collector and ban for private cars Smiley :)

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2022-09-07T06:14:00Z Busy Town population 5k. This actually triggered when I was in the restroom Smiley ;)

Fire helicopter depot became available in this milestone, this is must have to any large city, when you have traffic jams and fires, helicopters are a life savers. Two lane road with trees, this is my go-to local road, starting using it now and when time comes, will upgrade existing dirt roads with this one. Oil industry specialization available.

Now zoned PMC Oil 1 district with industry and our industry are complete, farming, forestry, oil and ore. Only 30u * 10u road grid zoning, not too much because afraid of getting too much semi-truck traffic.

Saved game for Foggy_Hills_4 file name which is the last of the four rotating file names.

Oil zoned industry district was a bust, it only placed drills / pumps there, meaning extractor buildings, no processor buildings, zero. Oh well now we just produce raw material and export it hehe.

Erased oil natural resource using extra landscaping tools on the next road grid, then zoned 8 x 8 units of oil zoned industry, now got processor buildings.

2022-09-07T06:47:00Z Created secondary farming district as we had only one or two extractor buildings, this one has now better coverage for extractors.

Well this is beautiful terrain work ... I might have to take my words back that this is nice / OK terrain to build a big city on...

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Look at dat elevationz Smiley ;)


2022-09-07T07:15:00Z Big Town population 7.5k.

High density zones, metro, incineration plant, intercity bus, university and large warehouse are now available.

2022-09-07T07:47:00Z Small City population 11k.

This milestone gives us cargo train terminal, train station (passengers!) and two good policies. Activated small business enthusiast and big business benefactor policies.

Created passenger and cargo train station / terminal. Then created metro station next to train station, for that connectivity.

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

2022-09-07T08:15:00Z Big City population 17k.

Crematorium, large water tower and advanced inland water treatment plant are now available.

2022-09-07T08:35:00Z In the background I spent a little time writing one (well actually like 4) local notes doku wiki pages heh, game was running 3x time acceleration speed, no issues came up, industrial demand went up to 100% though so now I zoned bunch of offices. I want this savegame now to focus on offices and high density residential to get into our goal, I don't want to do more industrial area stuff, its running on its own and its best to leave it be.

2022-09-07T08:39:00Z Grand City population 22k.

Uh oh I messed up my train routes! Yikes!

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Fix haha

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Err? Smiley :D

2022-09-07T09:42:00Z Saved game and now its my lunch break...

2022-09-07T09:46:00Z Capital City population 36k.

Passenger and cargo harbor is now available, passenger is a must have for incoming citizens.

2022-09-07T10:09:00Z Feeding time is over, back to some high density residential zoning.

2022-09-07T10:55:00Z Colossal City population 48k.

This milestone gives nuclear power plant and cargo hub (ship + train terminal).

2022-09-07T12:33:00Z Hmm not much story updates, only those copy-pasted milestone announcements heh. Well I'm expanding the city with high density residential area in the other side of the highway.

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Dunno what else to say. I opened notepad++ (yes, I'm writing THIS text with EditPadPro) and opened few web pages like bus.php, education.php and general-guides.php for writing some notes as I play. Maybe I should have written those notes here to be picked up later dunno heh.

2022-09-07T12:40:00Z Metropolis population 70k.

Our intercity bus station was in a wrong location, it was getting way too busy for my liking. Going to add metro station next to it to take off some pressure. This is the location, in center screen blue buildings, north of them goes existing red metro line, that will be cut and new station added, wonder if the line will remain intact or do I have to re-create.

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

I managed to do it, placing the station and bulldozing old tracks off was easy, then new tracks in place and at this point the line was kind of invisible, but you had to hover mouse over the old line position and then drag the point into the new station, get it? OK, good Smiley ;)

2022-09-07T13:15:00Z Megalopolis population 90k.

Here we go, last milestone achieved. Not much to go, ten kay...

2022-09-07T13:25:00Z Oil power plant ran out of products because traffic jams. Not exactly sure what was the cause of traffic jams, I did not build anything else other than high density residential, maybe the buses and private cars caused it, dunno.

This is another lesson that coal and oil power plants which depend on prompt deliveries are extremely dangerous because your whole city will go dark if the deliveries stop...

Decided that even though I like oil power plants as my own PMC Oil 1 produces stuff, its this uncertainty with traffic that causes me to purchase nuclear power plant and be done with all electricity issues.

2022-09-07T13:54:00Z Boom we hit the goal, 100k population yeah baby! Smiley :D

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It was fun stress free game-play even though I hate those european high density residential buildings they look so stupid, so yeah, it was, fun Smiley :)

2022-09-07T13:57:00Z Saved game and shutdown Cities Skylines, same as yesterday I'll spend remaining of today well tonight, relaxing by watching movies.