2022-08-20T10:31:00Z Started savegame on Pearl Bay, all outside connections, suitable area for building 58%, base theme: tropical.
Goal is to reach population 100k today as quick as possible while still enjoying the game.
Addons used: ActionCam, BrokenNodeDetector, CameraPositions, CargoHoldFix, ChirpyExterminator, CinematicCameraExtended, CitiesHarmony, CSLShowMoreLimits, EmergencyCam, ExtendedGameOptions, FarmingCam, FirstPersonCamera_Updated, ForestryCam, HelicopterCam, LifecycleRebalanceRevisited, OilCam, OreCam, PublicTransportCam, RealPopRevisited, RoundaboutBuilder, ShowIt, TMPE, TrainCam, TransferManagerCE.
Starting layout, kept industrial on the bottom away from the highway connection, been having so much traffic problems there in recent savegames.
First save game for Pearl_Bay_1 file name.
2022-08-20T10:37:00Z Unpaused game, off we go
2022-08-20T10:41:00Z Little Hamlet population 340.
Now we get to put taxes on and start to make money.
2022-08-20T10:47:00Z Worthy Village population 700.
2022-08-20T10:50:00Z Restroom break while game is running on 3x time acceleration speed.
2022-08-20T10:56:00Z Tiny Town population 1.1k.
Saved game for Pearl_Bay_2 file name.
Gotta love the ... err some camera addon, possibly cinematic camera extended I think, it allows me to zoom all the way out and tilt camera up etc, just awesome.
Tilting the camera up is extremely important, it always felt SO claustrophobic with default camera settings. Now its awesome to see long distance horizon properly.
2022-08-20T11:08:00Z Population 1.8k and 60k money, switching to use two lane asphalt roads now.
2022-08-20T11:08:00Z Boom Town population 1.9k.
Cemetery and bus depot became available in this milestone, cemetery is essential for life heh.
Saved game for Pearl_Bay_3 file name.
BTW I'm saving the game progress way too much, not a single time has Cities Skylines crashed for me, not even once. So only reason to save games is to avoid some mistakes, so far I've had to reload savegame once for my own mistake and another time because intersection road connection bug prevented traffic flowing.
Setup secondary industrial site away from the rest, traffic goes through the six lane arterial road into this collector four lane industrial road.
2022-08-20T11:37:00Z Busy Town population 4k.
Our fire department really need a helicopter depot for forest fires.
2022-08-20T12:06:00Z Big Town population 6k.
High density zones, metro, incineration plant and university are now available.
2022-08-20T12:16:00Z Small City population 8.5k.
This milestone gives us cargo train station and two good policies. Activated small business enthusiast and big business benefactor policies.
Saved game for Pearl_Bay_4 file name which is the last of the four rotating file names.
2022-08-20T12:40:00Z Big City population 14k.
Crematorium, large water tower and advanced inland water treatment plant are now available.
2022-08-20T12:58:00Z Grand City population 17k.
Got some forest fire issues at corner of our residential neighborhood.
Created two cargo train terminals near our two industrial districts.
Wrote some documentation about city design for roads, beginning new savegame first you have to use dirt road as placeholder to create arterial, leave 12 unit empty space around it, then create collector the same way. These don't need to be drawn very far to save money, but city cannot expand without constantly having arterial and then collector roads leading the way. If you fail to follow this guideline your city will be traffic gridlocked for sure.
Want an example?
Geez, look at that intersection with SIX lane arterial and TWO lane local road. Mr Expert been doing some city planning here
2022-08-20T13:45:00Z Capital City population 28k.
Cargo harbor is now available.
Created passenger train terminal, perhaps that could ease off the people traveling in and out of the city.
Its very temporary thing but when you zone new high density residential, there will be huge number of personal cars driving into the city through highway outside connection. Maybe this passenger train terminal would help on that. It could bring in some tourists as well, no idea what would they do here but heh.
A lot of folks
Odd why almost none of these guys use metro which is right next to them. Hmm guess the bus is more convenient or something.
Traffic jam on arterial road near highway connection has cleared. Wonder if it was just enough time to things even out or something specific I did.
Oh my, what have I done again?
Heh perhaps those three medium size warehouses were a bit too much for that location
2022-08-20T14:32:00Z Now finally first batch of office 4 x 4 unit square zoning has 0 jobs available, enough students graduated and are ready for office work, nice.
2022-08-20T14:41:00Z Colossal City population 38k.
This milestone gives nuclear power plant and cargo hub (ship + train terminal).
2022-08-20T15:32:00Z Just realized that this savegame has taken forever, its been very slow progress don't know why. At one point we were gridlocked with the traffic which I kind of waited out, so that might have eaten at least half an hour maybe more.
2022-08-20T15:44:00Z Metropolis population 60k.
And with this saved game and went to grab a bite to eat while game is running in 3x time acceleration speed.
2022-08-20T15:56:00Z Feeding time over, back to building a city.
2022-08-20T16:15:00Z Megalopolis population 70k.
Last milestone achieved, now we get to purchase the whole terrain, always a nice task
I highlighted one full ocean tile there, not sure what good that kind of grid would do in Cities Skylines, maybe some offshore oil drilling with Industries DLC perhaps? Dunno, to me its pretty useless waste of space.
Reached 80k population, not much more to go. But demand for jobs is quite high, hmm.
Problem with jobs is that industrial jobs generate so much traffic it is nuts and office jobs, well you need a lot of education to get to that level, through out this savegame I've seem to had problems with educated people, there is just not enough of them.
But I'll try adding office zones one 4 x 4 unit square setup at the time until they have over 50% jobs filled so it wont register as "not enough educated workers".
Do I need to step up my public transport?
2022-08-20T17:27:00Z Yes! We have reached 100k population which was the goal, whohoo! ;-)
Nothing much to do with this savegame for now, quite exhausted of playing.
2022-08-20T17:28:00Z Saved game and shutdown Cities Skylines, we are done.