Stories 2022-08-03 Game-play Azure Gulf Cities Skylines - PMC Tactical

Terrain Azure Gulf

2022-08-02T23:02:00Z Started savegame on Azure Gulf, all outside connections, suitable area for building 65%.

2022-08-02T23:09:00Z Little Hamlet population 400.

2022-08-02T23:13:00Z Worthy Village population 800.

2022-08-02T23:17:00Z Tiny Town population 1.3k.

Saved game now for the first time, filename: Azure_Gulf-1

2022-08-02T23:25:00Z Boom Town population 2.2k.

2022-08-02T23:38:00Z Busy Town population 4.2k.

Saved game Azure_Gulf-2

2022-08-02T23:52:00Z Big Town population 6.5k.

Hmm looks like specialized industry "steals" jobs from generic industry, check this screenshot out:

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My generic industry is all out of educated workers, big time Smiley :o

So it was flourishing and when I created forestry and ore industry, generic industry went belly up heh. Those specialized industry buildings offer quite many jobs, so guess I need to be careful when mass spamming such buildings. Also if true that industrial indicator does not count for specialized industry, then ugh, hmm.

Uh oh Smiley :o

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I had industry 4.0 policy on, turned it off, maybe the bad generic industry jobs situation was because of industry 4.0 policy.

2022-08-03T00:21:00Z Small City population 9k.

When population was 9.5k there was first traffic jam problem at the highway connection. Okay time to build a roundabout there, my heart goes out for those buildings that will get demolished Smiley :)

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All done, not perfect but better than straight dirt road.

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2022-08-03T00:59:00Z Big City population 14k.

Slowly growing, traffic is now my main focus, just created first metro subway rail system, that should remove few private cars.

Created new collector road.

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Saved game Azure_Gulf-3

Build cargo train station for that big haulin' Smiley ;)

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2022-08-03T01:46:00Z Grand City population 17k.

2022-08-03T01:48:00Z Saved game Azure_Gulf-4 and with that its my lunch break...

2022-08-03T02:12:00Z Feeding time over, back to building a city.

Now I really need to fix the highway outside connection roundabout, its just so bad bottle neck.

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2022-08-03T02:44:00Z Finished extending our residential high density zone a bit, also did first farm land area, lets plant and harvest some crops.

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Next goal was to tap into the oilfields in NW.

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Created new oil drilling area Smiley ;)

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Here is the oil field area now with garbage collection and police station (no fire station heh).

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What I find interesting is that only outside connection here is cargo train terminal... okay fine, but can you please tell me how do all the workers get here, by magic? Maybe teleportation? Do they fly like superman? Smiley :o


Yeah I think this specialized industrial area district things buildings are somehow bugged, I cannot explain how workers get to this location, they seem to be not affiliated with the RCI industrial graphics bar at all, workers are "bought" with the building I suppose.

Hmm this is a slight bummer for me, it feels cheating, its unrealistic... Hmph.

Pump it up! Smiley :D

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2022-08-03T03:37:00Z Capital City population 28k.

Pyko Oil 1 statistics.

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Some of my generic industrial area buildings said "Building needs to be covered by more services to allow it to be upgraded", hmm wonder what services those are as garbage, fire, police are covered. It cant be education because how would that make any sense that dirty industrial area would have schools heh.

Then created new generic industry area for forest, meaning its not done with those magic make belief teleporting workers buildings.

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This forest industrial area complained about lack of workers, so decided to dare the noise pollution area by creating low density residential area right next to this indstrial area, I bet this backfires but oh well.

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Trains are keeping busy Smiley ;)

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Its little bit hard to see from this big overview screenshot but man my trains are a mess, they are clogged up so bad Smiley :)

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Created that middle shortcut for our forestry industry area cargo train terminal track link, lets see if it helps any.

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2022-08-03T05:01:00Z Colossal City population 38k.

Oh that reminds me, I need to focus on the residential zone growth instead of playing with forestry, ore, oil industry and trains Smiley :p

2022-08-03T06:10:00Z Had to take a 15min break had a real life chore to do, now I have weeks of time to just play Cities Skylines again heh.

Okay so while doing that chore I was thinking... I'm spending way too much time with specialized industry and trains, I have completely neglected residential zoning which is what gives me the population that gets me to 100k magical limit which is "the end" of this savegame, well I mean at least the goal so I can move to the next terrain.

So lets focus now only on residential zoning, plus I have to do some industrial zones as well that our folks have jobs.

Basic overview update what we have now.

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2022-08-03T07:00:00Z Finished setting up two new grid tiles.

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2022-08-03T07:26:00Z Metropolis population 55k.

And with that its my lunch time, going to leave game running normal speed while I eat, hopefully nothing breaks.

2022-08-03T07:54:00Z Feeding time over, back to growing our population.

While I was eating we ran into some sewage problem, as you can see.

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City is pumping in so much water that it sucks the NE river dry already and the sewage water is pushing towards E in that huge body of water. Oh man these water physics of Cities Skylines. I hope we don't need to start using the eco inland water treatment buildings.

As can be seen from the closer view the NE river is all dried up, oh my.

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Went and moved the water pumps from SE corner to all across river branches in NW.

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Hopefully this works OK.

2022-08-03T08:57:00Z Finished another big residential zoning project Smiley ;)

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2022-08-03T09:19:00Z Slow growth, but we're getting there.

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And NW rivers are getting drying up Smiley ;)

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Our sewage was getting a bit ridiculous so I moved all our output pumps into the souther big body of water, hopefully we can spill the poop there and have only clean water in the northern big body of water, then there should be no problem with fresh water intake.

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2022-08-03T09:56:00Z Megalopolis population 70k.

Another new low residential zone created, quite small this time.

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Slurry is sneaking ever so closer to our water intake pumps Smiley ;)

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Painting new industrial zoning to north edge on a new grid tile I bought.

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2022-08-03T11:13:00Z Its ready, lets run it Smiley :)

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Too bad you cant zoom out so much that everything would fit into one screen heh.

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Okay having some water problems again...

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Look at the train tracks, they are so clogged up, uuh.

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2022-08-03T13:48:00Z Population is 93k, so close to magical one hundred thousand, but seeing how slowly it increases I doubt it will happen tonight. I am dead tired already, eyes very sore, its bed time to me at any moment now ...

And another low density residential zone created.

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2022-08-03T14:58:00Z Hooyah! Population hit magical 100,000 mark! Smiley :mrgreen:

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Savegame finished! Smiley ;)

2022-08-03T15:01:00Z Felt really good to have this savegame started & finished in a same day, now I am so tired can hardly keep eyes open anymore, time for some well earned rest, saved game, shutdown Cities Skylines, nites.